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    Cheksiz Forex demo akkaunti

    Demo akkaunti qaydnomasida virtual puldan foydalanib, sinov drayveriga boring. Barcha xususiyatlarni qadrlang, ishonchni qozoning va tayyor boʻlgach, haqiqiy roʻyxatdan oʻting.

    Bepul sinab koʻring


    Jonli treyding

    Toʻliq funksionallik

    Demo account is ideal for:

    • getting your first trading experience without investing money
    • testing expert advisors or strategies
    • comparing types of execution modes (instant or market) and spreads (floating, fixed)

    Make a first step risk-free

    Make your way in Forex step by step. Learn skills and test how much risk you are ready to accept before going into real trading. With a Demo account you can trade in real market conditions, however your trades will remain virtual. When you feel ready to collect real profits, you can upgrade to a Cent account and move further to a Classic or Pro STP account.

    Forex4you mobile trading apps displayed on iPhone and iPad

    Bitta akkaunt- bir nechta treyding platformalari

    Taklif etilgan toʻrtta aktiv sinfdan istalgan joyda, istalgan vaqtda savdi qiling! Bitta akkauntdan foydalanib, bir nechta treyding platformalariga kirishingiz mumkin boʻladi.

    Please note

    that demo accounts will be automatically archived (expired) after 90 days. You can open anytime a new demo account in your Trader Room.