Open a Cent NDD Account

Cent lots.
An excellent choice for beginners

The Cent NDD account ideally suits those who are just starting out in trading. Trade in cents with no minimum deposit amount, get market order execution and floating spreads.

More than 95 instruments

EAs supported

No requotes

Market execution

Floating spread

Available for Share4you service

Cent NDD account is ideal for…

  • beginners wanting to test drive our service
  • those wanting to test an expert advisor
  • traders exercising a trading strategy with micro lots
  • traders with small deposit amounts
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Multiply your income by sharing trades

Open a Cent NDD account on Forex4you and mark it as Share4you leader account in your Trader Room to make your orders available for others to copy. By becoming a leader on Share4you you receive a commission up to 8 USD for each lot copied from you by your followers.

Learn more about Share4you


All volumes in Cent account are 100 times smaller. 1 USD cent = 0.01 USD.

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