Operational data

Building trustworthy relationships

Transparency is one of the fundamentals on which our services are built. Find out more about our company’s performance statistics — all the reports are audited by KPMG.

Management assertion report with independent limited assurance report 2019.

  • 124 921 active client accounts
  • Agent commissions USD 12.58 million.
  • Total client balances on December 31, 2019 – 68.07 million.
  • Largest client balance on December 31, 2019 – 1.03 million.

Download assurance report 2019


Updated at:14.01.2021

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Management assertion report with independent limited assurance report 2018.

  • 95 985 active client accounts
  • Agent commissions USD 6.44 million.
  • Total client balances on December 31, 2018 – 38.66 million.
  • Largest client balance on December 31, 2018 – 1.77 million.

Download assurance report 2018


Updated at:11.10.2017

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Management assertion report with independent limited assurance report 2017.

  • 122 037 active client accounts
  • Agent commissions USD 4.81 million.
  • Total client balances on December 31, 2017 – 19.93 million.
  • Largest client balance on December 31, 2017 – 2.92 million.

Download assurance report 2017


Updated at:11.10.2017

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Management assertion report with independent limited assurance report 2016.

  • 118 303 active client accounts
  • Agent commissions USD 7.02 million.
  • Total client balances on December 31, 2016 – 20.46 million.
  • Largest client balance on December 31, 2016 – 2.60 million.

Download assurance report 2016


Updated at:11.10.2017

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Management assertion report with independent limited assurance report 2015.

  • 92 564 active client accounts
  • Agent commissions USD 4.99 million.

Download assurance report 2015


Updated at:11.10.2017

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Management assertion report with independent limited assurance report 2014.

  • 112 445 active client accounts
  • Agent commissions USD 9.06 million.

Download assurance report 2014


Updated at:11.10.2017

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